terça-feira, 10 de janeiro, 2017

Continuous journey of work reduces costs and increases productivity

Are 3:00 pm on the clock on a Tuesday. Thousands of people begin to get out of a building in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Madrid, in Spain. Looks like the lunch break; in fact, out of work. It''s not a holiday or special Christmas hours. This Office is the daily life. Happens every day since 2008. That year, the Spanish company Iberdrola agreed to their employees, about 9,000 workers, universalize intensive journey: work of 7:15 until 2:50 pm with 45 minutes of flexibility to time in or out every day of the year. "The measure would benefit the workers and was good for the company," says Ramon Castresana, the company''s human resources Director. Six years later, He was in charge of that change, defends the decision with numbers: "Improve productivity and won more than half a million hours per year. We have reduced the fouls in 20% and accidents at work in 15% ".
Employee happy yields more "an employee who''s happier yields more," says a responsible
Peace hills, 47, supply Department, lived. A decade after starting work on the electric company, participated in the reform of the collective bargaining agreement. "The proposal was," recalls. "She was seen with some skepticism. We thought we wanted to eliminate the summer intensive format.
When we were told that the aim was to extend it, was a surprise. " But despite being nice, the measure would face criticism. Firstly, the unions: they complained that this proposal entailed in an annual increase of 15 hours of work. Then, a few directors who were afraid to leave the room and there was no one; a species of solitary Office phobia. And, finally, some workers didn''t know how to run a time which were not used.
"When you make an appointment for 30 years, it''s hard," said Castresana. "It''s a big change in the culture of work". "I may not make the journey intensive?", came to ask an employee. Pilates, swimming, English ... Soon after to concentrate at work, in the corridors began to speak of the extra-trabalho activities. "I don''t know if anyone ever subscribe to any of them," jokes a lot. In a short time, nobody wanted to even hear talk of spending the afternoon in front of the computer. "Adaptation was fantastic. And it did not generate any cost for the company ", says the Director of human resources. "The employees became aware that they need to make the time to do their work and leave at the right time," he adds. Avoid interruptions and focus on effort. The result: greater productivity ".
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