quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro, 2017

Consumer delinquencies fall 0.41% in December

São Paulo – the number of consumers delinquent fell 0.41 percent in December compared with November, reported on Tuesday, 10, the credit protection service (SPC Brazil) and the Confederação Nacional de Dirigentes Lojistas (CNDL).
However, compared to December 2015 the indicator continued advancing 1.44 percent, but, according to the SPC and the CNDL, is the smallest variation for a year since the beginning of the historical series.
In this way, the Country reached 58,300,000 of defaulters in December 2016, or 39% of the adult brazilian population, after 700,000 people have joined the list during the year. In 2015, the increase in nonperforming consumer was 2,500,000.
"The explanation for the slowdown of the growth in delinquencies since the first quarter of the year lies in the fact that the scenario of recession of the economy, which reduced the payment capacity of families, also restricted the taking of credit for consumers," says the President of SPC Brazil, Roque Pellizzaro.
"That means that the consumer is more difficult to be in debt and, without going into debt, cannot be defaulted," he explains.
On regional division, the Southeast concentrates the largest absolute number of Ssns default: 24,230,000 (37.3% of the adult population of the region).
The Northeast appears in second place in the ranking of debtors with 15,740,000 (39.7% of the adult population).
Then comes the South (7,960,000 or 35.8% of adults), the North (5,340,000 or 46% of the adult population resident) and the Midwest (4,990,000 of defaulters, representing 43.8% of its population).
Already the age group with the highest incidence of default is 30 to 39 years. In December, nearly half of the population in this age group (49.38%) had the name registered in a list of debtors, adding 16,810,000 people.
The SPC and the CNDL still underscore the significant percentage between 25 and 29 years (46.65%), as well as aged between 40 and 49 years (46.24%).
The volume of debt on behalf of individuals retreated 2.24% compared to the previous year between December 2016 and the same month of 2015.
The communications sector, which includes delays in telephony, internet and cable TV, was the one who showed the biggest fall in debt in December, with 17.77% decline in year-to-year confrontation. Already the industry that presented the biggest high was the water and power, whose growth was 13.62%.
Already in terms of participation, the banks are concentrated most of the existing debts in the country: 48.26%. Then appears the trade (20.04%), communication (13.07%) and water and power, which concentrates 8.55% of the total backlog.
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