sexta-feira, 13 de janeiro, 2017

Cnova Sales Grow 10.7% in 2016

The Cnova reported, on Thursday (12), through a statement on his website, that sales of the e-commerce company of the French group Casino recorded high of 10.7% in cumulative 2016 if compared to the previous year. In 2016, net sales totaled 1.856 billion euros, up from 1.737 billion euros in 2015. The results do not include the e-commerce operation of Casino Group in Brazil. The data also show that GMV growth (sum of sales, other income and volumes of the marketplace) was 13.6% last year over the outcome of 2015. From 2015 to 2016, the balance went from 2.709 billion euros to 2.994 billion euros. Marketplace sales already accounted for 28.1% of the total of last year.
A high of 7.8% Cnova in 4th quarter sales according to the information disclosed, Cnova sales recorded high of 7.8 percent in the fourth quarter of 2016 in comparison with the same period of the previous year. The company announced revenue of EUR 584 million between October and December, compared with 571,300,000 euros in the same months of 2015. The results do not include more e-commerce operation of Casino Group in Brazil. In October, the Group has completed a restructuring that returned to Brazil in control of sales sites Pontofrio, Casas Bahia and Extra''s, which were previously under the structure of the publicly traded company on the Nasdaq.
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