quarta-feira, 18 de janeiro, 2017

Augmented reality is the future of networks, says Director of Facebook

Facebook data in Brazil and in the world show that the future of the consumption of information in social networks is heading towards the sharing of videos on various platforms and variety of content. Is that stated the Director of partnerships for Facebook Latin America, Luis Olivalves, Tuesday 17, during the event SEE EXAM 2017 Forum-the New revolution in Tomie Ohtake Institute in Sao Paulo.
According to Olivalves, Facebook is no longer just a social platform of exchange of experiences between users to become too, not only in Brazil as in the whole world, one of the main sources of news for users, especially among the young.
Reuters Institute''s research, with more than 50 000 readers in 26 countries, shows that 51% use social networks weekly as sources of news and 12% say the nets are their main sources of information. In Brazil, the numbers rise to 72% and 18%, respectively.
Faced with an era of fragmented information, the tool has adapted its news feed to convey what''s relevant to each person. "Consumption is divided. Facebook is only strong because the person is there, went to see the lives of friends and ends up being impacted by some things because the algorithm helped identify ", says Olivalves.
On augmented reality video
Videos and images are the formats that attract more users on Facebook, according to Olivalves. Per day, more than 100 million hours of video consumed on the social network. In the Messenger and WhatsApp, the strong are the emojis. In Messenger, for example, are exchanged 2 million messages with emojis per day in the world.
According to the Executive, virtual reality must be a trend in social networks in the coming years. Today, according to him, the augmented reality system Oculus already has 1 million users per month.
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