sexta-feira, 13 de janeiro, 2017

Assaí develops greater retail solar power plant in Brazil

Taking a step towards energy efficiency, the autorsserviço network atacarejo the flag Assaí, Grupo Pão de Açúcar (GPA) announced that the unit Varzea Grande, Mato Grosso, is the first to receive photovoltaic plant, installed in an area of approximately 2000 m ² on the roof of the parking lot.
The installed capacity of 1,140 plates is more than 300 kWp, and can produce between 11% and 15% of total energy consumption from the store. The installation was done in partnership with GreenYellow, developer and financier of the project.
The plant is rented in long term by GreenYellow to Assaí, guaranteeing reduction in energy bill. "With this project, the Assai will benefit of a clean and safe energy for 20 years", says Pierre-Yves Mourgue, ceo of GreenYellow.
"From this installation, the Açaí gives the first step in large-scale photovoltaic generation, with the objective of contributing to an increasingly sustainable operation," says Fernando Basílio, responsible for strategic projects of Assai.
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