terça-feira, 02 de agosto, 2016

Price of milk has new high in the country

For the second consecutive month, the average price paid to producers Brazilian milk had high record, according to a survey from Scot consulting. In July, producer prices rose by 6% on the previous month, to R$ 1.174 per litre. The monthly valuation is the largest ever recorded in the historical series of the Scot, initiated in March 1998. The price paid by dairy in July regarding the product delivered the previous month by ranchers.
The scarcity of milk on the market-reflection of climate problems and the high cost of production and competition between the dairy for the raw materials continue to be the main reasons for the sharply higher, according to Juliana Dick, an analyst at Scot.
There was an increase of the prices to the producer in the 17 States surveyed by the Scot. And expressive high even in southern States, where crop period. In Rio Grande do Sul, for example, the price rose 8.77 percent in July over the previous month. "Despite being crop in the South, the volume is less than in the same period last year," said the analyst. The offer less due to climate problems that affected the winter pastures in the region.
The expectation of the Scot is that long-life milk prices tend to stability in wholesale and retail. Between June and July there was still high of 0.10 R$ wholesale, to 3.43 R$ per litre. At casa of retailing, the milk out of R$ 3.52 in June to R$ 3.85 in July, according to the Scot.
Supermercado Moderno - 01/08/16
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