segunda-feira, 15 de agosto, 2016

2016-2017 biennium frozen industry predicts strong growth

With 70% of its business focused on supermarkets and 30% for bakeries, Dipães, which grew 69% 2014 2015 biennium, now provides a high of 80 percent in their businesses for the biennium 2016 2017, as reported Valdecir Caçol, Managing Director of the company, exclusively to Spin News Portal. "To achieve the expectation, we will invest in the order of approximately r $ 15 Million, directed to the industry," he added. Recently the company announced the expansion of its distribution capacity in Santa Catarina, with the opening of a new distribution center (DC) in Itajaí, with a capacity of 35 tons/day circulation of goods. Currently the company operates with a single factory in the town of Paradise, in Santa Catarina. Another bet of the company for this year is in its new product portfolio, the vast majority of frozen, with more than 80 items.
Above-market performance in the first half of this year, the market of bread and pasta grew 4.9%, as compared to the same period in 2015, with sales of R$ 18.184 billion, according to figures released by the Brazilian Association of industries of cookies, pasta and breads & Cakes (Abimapi) Industrial. Dipães, which already has frozen French bread as flagship, but also manufactures snacks, sweets and pastries, showed that its performance in the period was well above the market, with 31 percent growth from January to June, according to Siboney.
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