segunda-feira, 13 de junho, 2016

Liquid gold

The status of food safety product and low value have saved the mineral water from the wrath of the recession. Carlos Alberto Lancia, President of the Brazilian Association of the industry of Mineral water (Abinam) interprets this synthesis the opulence of the annual balance sheets in the industry, no matter who is the helmsman on the bow of the economic policy. For your magnifying glass, bottles and cups closed 2015 with growth in percentage rate of hazing and the only sign of the crisis is noticed in the 40% decline in corporate demand bottles, assigned by the Manager to take effect of layoffs last year. Corporate demand is take 10% Lancia of Jeroboam. For this year, the President gives as liquid (literally) and the continuing growth of demand, but the one-digit percentage rate instead of the usual two-digit on the severity of the contraction of the economy.
Literally, the figures are conspicuous by the gas market and high liquidity. Through the lens of Abinam, the production/consumption was about 6.8 billion liters in 2008. Six years later, reached 13.9 billion liters or 20% above the calibrated balance in 2013. For the past year, Lancia estimates a jump of 15% on the order total registered in 2014, when the production/consumption of mineral water has reached a level corresponding to more than double the eight years ago. Per table, per capita consumption of 2015, designed by Abinam in 70 litres, also shows a doubling in front of 35.50 mark litres per capita in 2008.
The consumption of mineral water has also been well-oiled by two factors outside the gate of the sources. These are expressed by consumer reactions, stresses Lancia. One of them is the dislike to the quality of drinking water provided by distributors of public network and the other has to do with the rise of the so-called healthy drinks in the sides of the drop in sales of soft drinks (see page 22). "It''s a cultural phenomenon without restriction of economic classes, caused by the dissemination of messages of health and well-being in social networks and everyone has a mobile phone nowadays," ponders Lancia. "Because of that, the industry thinks it unnecessary to advertise on TV".
By the way, it fits, the Abinam has 400 associated industries, including manufacturers of soft drinks to cautiously put one foot in the canoe of the mineral water. Lancia is unaware of affiliated entity that has taken the the other way around. Resuming the national water quality, the spokesman at Abinam reacted immediately to the news that the American delegation in the Olímpíadas 2016 received the recommendation to bring his country''s mineral water to the river. The entity soon moved and 13 Brazilian sources of water were accredited by the U.S. NSF, endorsement of u.s. public health.
The tax burden of the mineral water, CITES Lancia, is 42.5%. In Mexico and the United States is zero and 7% in Europe. A form sought by Abinam to download the scorecard to 7% is enter the mineral water in the basket. The only State where that occurs in connection with the sale of water presented in all versions of packages, the Chairman, is Santa Catarina. In Sao Paulo, Parana and Minas Gerais, this tax restricted to dampening sales of bottles. By the way, he puts it, the Paraná is the only State where PET is the absolute material in canisters, against the national reign of polypropylene (PP) in this package. Lancia acknowledges that such brazilian supremacy of PP doesn''t have similar in the rest of the planet, fan of polycarbonate or in PET bottles, and assigns it to the logistical cost lower than. The Paraná has become the exception, because he distinguishes the sector of distribution and commercialization of mineral water adhered to a structure suitable for the transport of PET bottle, with trucks with isothermal chest body, he says.
Lancia attests that the race for the weight reduction of water bottles follows ongoing untouched by the crisis. After all, the sources of mineral water just blow the preforms to acquire. By the way, he is in 10 years the average age of the machines in action, industrial park sources considered by him obsolete. The President assigns the merits of reducing the weight to progress in the production of specific preforms to the filling of mineral water, a technological goal scored by resin injection/tripod/blower.
This gas does not end
The eternal duel between the water and the cost of your containers
Until the closing of this Edition, the Brazilian Association of PET industry (Abipet) hasn''t had the 2015 numbers relating to the performance of polyester in the packaging of mineral water. Even so, the 2014 data collected by Auri Marçon Executive Director reconfirmam the sector in vice leadership of the resin market. Two years ago, he points out, a fraction of approximately 16% of the national production of PET was abocanhada by the sources of mineral water. More than half of the nearly 14 billion liters of mineral water extracted in 2014, allows Marson, were packed in 10 and 20 litre bottles, stronghold dominated to drop by polypropylene (PP) in Brazil. "Namely, that leaves more than seven billion liters and PET holds close to 90% of their filling", complete Marçon.
Scans of Abipet collide with extraoficiais estimates of mineral water that their sales had overtaken those of sodas, nº 1 of PET market. Based on data from 2014, Marçon estimates the consumption of soft drinks around 16 billion liters and 80-85% Pocket PET packaging of carbonated. Although the waters are presented in smaller volumes, which increases in proportion to quantity in units of packaging, the leader holds that resin consumption pursues greater good in soft drinks, even considering the order of 6% fall in sales of the product in 2015, in contrast to the usual double-digit rate of annual growth enjoyed by the sources of water on the edge of depression.
The persistence of the increase in sales of mineral water translates a safe haven for PET, but contains in its midst a double-edged sword. After all, the open season on weight reduction, a setting of water sources worldwide, implies less resin consumption and, for suppliers of liquid, greater parity between their total costs and expenses with containers. "About five years ago, the bottle of 500 ml of water weighed about 16 grams and 1.5 liter for water without gas, around 30 grams", illustrates Marçon. "Today, the first of 12 to 14 grams and the last, of 25 to 26 grams, fruit of the advancement of technology in the raw material, blow and injection".
Spa preforms
Global synonym preforms injection molding, the Canadian Husky way between mentors and increasing lightness quality bottled water. "These have evolved greatly in design and weight reduction," agrees Paul Casey, Manager of the packaging business of commercial basis of the Husky in Brazil. "Our line HPP5 HyPET allows preforms injection with walls so thin that were virtually impossible to be produced years ago," he distinguishes.
The per capita consumption history leads Casey to consider that the Brazilian market of mineral water has always been compressed. "In recent years we have seen the result of the maturing of the consumer", he ponders. "He went on to enjoy the mineral water for its quality and appeal of healthiness, factors that explain the immunity of the product sales to the recession".
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