segunda-feira, 27 de junho, 2016

65.7% of Brazilians say that taking care of beauty is necessity and luxury not

Six out of ten (62.7%), Brazilians consider themselves people vain and concerned with their appearance and 65.7% agree with the idea that take care of beauty is not luxury, but a necessity. Another number that reinforces the concern of the Brazilian self-image is that almost half of respondents (49.4%) believes that spending money to improve the physical appearance is an investment worth, to provide sense of happiness and satisfaction.
The data are from a survey made by the SPC Brazil (credit protection service) and the CNDL (National Confederation of store managers) in all capitals and in 26 States and the Federal District. The survey heard 790 consumers of both genders, all walks of life and above 18 years in 27 Brazilian States.
The research reveals that there is a considerable portion of consumers who recognize overreacting in this kind of spent, putting at risk the financial health: almost a quarter (23.4%) of Brazilian consumers assumes the habit of spending more than it can effectively with aesthetic care, being the most common behavior among women (26.5%), people aged between 18 and 34 years old (29.0%) and belonging to the class C (25.0%).
Price and product quality in the assessment of Brazilian consumers, the value is the main factor to be taken into account when choosing the place of purchase of the products and services of beauty and aesthetics: 58.1% consider the price as the most important condition, while 47.1% give more attention to product quality and 33.2%. Characteristics of the products, consumers considered of high influence factors such as quality (79.4%), smell (71.0%) and price (70.8%).
Be nice research indicates that vanity is part of the feature of most Brazilians: 62.7% consider themselves people vain-and 12.7% are very or extremely concerned about their appearance. The average rating that Brazilian assigns to you when taken into account the physical appearance is 7.0 on a scale ranging from zero to ten.
The survey detected that the vain people are most often found among women (67.7%) and those aged between 18 and 34 years old (71.2%). In contrast, 37.3% of respondents cannot be defined as vain, among this group, the main justification is the lack of importance given to the matter, since the focus is on other life priorities (51.8%). However, not always care for the look is a matter of choice: 27.3% claim not to have money to take care of yourself.
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