sexta-feira, 13 de maio, 2016

Via retail and Cnova Study Join Operations

The retail arm of the Group Via GPA which brings together the operations of Casas Bahia and Ponto Frio, announced the interest of integrating your business with the Brazil Cnova, Commerce Casino Division, which operates the Extra sites, PontoFrio and CasasBahia. With the reorganization, if implemented, the road becomes a Retail company retail integrated physical stores and e-commerce in Brazil, leaving to stop participation in the share capital of Cnova NV, which will continue with its e-commerce business outside of Brazil. The reorganization, if implemented, will create a wholly owned subsidiary of Via retail, HoldCo, the total indirect participation Via Cnova retail NV.
Advantages of the operation
In a statement, the company''s management highlighted the benefits of a Union. "The Union will create value for companies and their shareholders, generating advantages against the competitors for both e-commerce activities as to physical stores, notably by simplifying the governance structure and the existing trade relations between Brazil and Cnova Via retail, by harnessing synergies between the operations of commercial strategy and integration platform for logistics (transport model , network and inventory management); by optimizing staff costs and administrative headquarters; and the development of a multichannel advertising.
Giro News - 13/05/16
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