terça-feira, 03 de maio, 2016

Teas ready should grow 6.2 percent per year up to 2020

Tea sales volume grew 8.2% ready in 2015, reaching 189.5 million liters sold. The data are from Euromonitor International. According to manufacturers, the market offers opportunity of expansion, mainly to little calorie products in individual consumption and economic packaging. With 47.4% share of the market, Coca-Cola Femsa rose 22% Lion brand''s sales last year. Dorian War Cross, marketing director of the company says that, for this year, growth of 20%. Nestlé, which owns 22.7 percent of the market, did not comment on numbers and estimate. Already the Wow Nutrutíon, owner of Feel Good, noticed an increase in the consumption of green tea in classes B and C. The Euromonitor estimates the advancement of 6.2% per annum on sales volume of teas until 2020 and of 7.5% in the recipe.
AbreNews - 02/05/2016
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