terça-feira, 17 de maio, 2016

Retail Overcomes Food Service in Art

Despite the slowdown in 2015, the company specializes in ready meals bet for this year a resumption of growth at 35% per year, which had been registering since 2010. In 2015 the company pointed high of 19% compared to 2014. For this year, it is expected an increase of 22 to 35%, said Jean Carlo Cantizani, commercial Director, the Rotating News Portal. The current economic scenario contributes to the expectations. Today, the retail-oriented items are responsible for 55 percent of revenues, while the food service segment represents 43%. ? With the crisis, retailers began to exceed the food service, which had a higher representation in the company for two years, "he said.
Strategy for 2016
To win one of the betting market is organic ready line, launched in 2015 and that today represents 2% of the company''s revenue. The proposal is to promote action of tasting. "The response is immediate, the store that makes these actions of tasting grows around 20 to 30% in sales in the period," explains Cantizani. The news of the brand this year are the release of sweet potato in cubes section, the chicken and shredded beef and Hominy, besides the change of packaging in organic items. Investing in all this effort totals 1.5 million R$, according to Jean Carlo, which, without going into details, said that the mix will gain new items. "This year, we have a fairly large range to be launched in the second half."
Giro News - 16/5/16
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