segunda-feira, 02 de maio, 2016

Itambé anticipates contribution in zero lactose

Even in a scenario of desaquecida demand in the country, even for nondurable goods, Itambé Foods decided to anticipate for this year an investment that would in 2017 to enlarge the production capacity of dairy items. The contribution will be of 50 million R$ in Pará de Minas (MG), second President of the Itambé, Alexandre Almeida. The resources will also be used in new product lines to meet the food service. "The market has problems, but it also has many opportunities," he says.
He said the investment was anticipated because the consumption in the dairy continues to grow, although at a lesser pace. In addition, the Commission notes that the Itambé, company, controlled by the Central Cooperative of Farmers of Minas Gerais (CCPR) and by Force, remains gaining ground in markets where it already is and maintains its strategy of geographic expansion.
Today the company has a portfolio with 23 items to market zero lactose. Are products such as milk, yogurt, cream cheese, condensed milk and cream. "We have practically the whole portfolio with zero lactose" notes. The latest release of the Itambé within that row was powdered milk.
In 2014 and in 2015, the dairy has invested 130 million R$ (about half in each year) in new lines, in product development and modernization of the industrial park, with emphasis on the increase of production capacity of yogurts in Pará de Minas. "The investment will be lower this year because the Itambé comes from two years of major investment to retrieve the plant," he says.
The company is also betting on another niche market, aimed at people "concerned about a balanced diet" and "practitioners of physical activities of high performance," says Abdullah. Are two lines, PRO and PRO +, products with higher levels of protein, whose development has consumed more than $ 5 million. Part of the line long-life milk and milk drinks.
The President of the Itambé claims that the company "is increasingly present in retail", explaining his optimism. In the first quarter of this year, the number of points of sale with 10% grew Itambé same range of 2015, for 21 1000 points. According to him, the company expanded its presence in Northeastern States and the regions North and South of the country. The Itambé had net revenue of mining R$ 2.534 billion in 2015, up 3.3% on the previous year.
Valor Economico - 02/05/2016
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