segunda-feira, 02 de maio, 2016

Craft beers threaten reign of industrialised

The growth of craft beer in recent years threatens now the reign of the great industrial brands in months saw as the artist gained fame on the market and takes up more room on the shelves of the specialized establishments. From Belgium to California, whether light or dark, frothy drink has millions of consumers all over the world, although each time there are more bets on manufacture own the big brands we found in the supermarket around the corner. So demonstrates the fact that, in 17 years, the number of craft breweries in the u.s. almost tripled, from 1,564 in 1999 to more than 4,200 in 2016, according to the kind of specialized Beer Marketer Insight (BMI). One of the key points to understand this fact in New York is the brewery of Brooklyn (Brooklyn Brewery), located in the neighborhood of Williamsburg. In addition to offering a wide variety of beers, the place opens its doors every Saturday "factory" and offers guided tours to the lovers of this craft trend to observe, among others, as the barley is malted and the bottling process. "Work in an establishment in which only sell beer, but now I want to start making my own drink. That''s why I''m here, "said Efe Andrew Cook, specialist for five years in beers and this in one of these visits. According to Cook, the craft beer brands are "present" on the shelves because they are "what the new generation of consumers of beer". Its manufacture is relatively simple, so in the last 10 years the sector has gone from 6 million barrels to 22 million available in the market, according to another study showed the "BMI". This fever for the drink of own production was led at first by Samuel Adams, produced in Boston by businessman Jim Koch, who in 1984 started a revolution alone inside the craft beer market, now more crowded. But the firm''s leader for so many years that, for many, no longer has that particular distinction. "I didn''t know that Samuel Adams was handmade," acknowledged Efe Nico Barrett, "in love with beer and New York client Good Beer, where the bookshelves overflow with dozens of brands of this type, and no. One of the reasons this moment, according to Barrett, who explained a few years began manufacturing its own brand of home-brewed beer, is the relative ease to prepare the drink. But, what does it take to manufacture a quality craft beer? First, several litres of chlorinated water, pounds of barley, hops and yeast grams to make beer, in addition to a large pot, fermenters and other tools that "will help us to measure the progress of fermentation and liquid density. The time required to make the home-brewed beer is "about a month," said Barrett, between manufacturing, fermentation, bottling and carbonation, longer process that requires "at least three weeks" to be raised "enough gas." "It may seem long and tedious work, but it''s the opposite: it''s exciting," said the expert, who hopes that his own recipe, still unnamed, earn a good position in the market. For some, staying a month creating a drink only and own can be a very rewarding experience and, sometimes, gets to have business success. However, he warned the expert, "we don''t always know how will be the first beer".
EFE - 01/05/2016
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