terça-feira, 24 de maio, 2016

As the crisis has boosted Tang and powdered drinks from Mondelez

Sao Paulo-the crisis, more people have come to have lunch at home and go out to dinner. For Mondelez, this can be an opportunity to increase the consumption of their drinks in powder, segment which grew 4.7% in the company in the last year.
"People eat lunch and dining more at home, in fitness to the scenario today. So, we see a more relevant presence of Tang ", said Fabio Melo, Director of powdered drinks in Mondelez, the EXAME.com.
The Tang, the "of" in this segment, is already 70% of homes. But the company wants to drink is also at most times of the day to day of the consumer not only during the main meals.
So, let out a campaign to encourage the consumption of Tang with milk for breakfast or afternoon snack.
Also released in December, the powdered tea from Tang. "Despite being powder, he brings a feeling very close to an iced tea. The tea ready is aspirational, people want to buy, but it costs almost 5 reais. Tang already costs 1 real and 1 liter "yields, he said at the time the EXAME.com.
"Markets Are to be exploited, to increase consumption throughout the day," said the Director.
Another reason for the growth is the quest for economy.
Due to the economic instability, consumers are switching from soda to the kool-aid powder, a cheaper option.
Data from Kantar, cited by Mondelez, shows that 83% of the gains with new consumers in this category are from migration.
"Consumers are making more rational choices, seeking alternatives to soda, which is the leading product in the drinks ready," said Mao.
The company''s focus remains the classes C and d. "the powdered drinks category needs to be accessible. If you get through a level of prices, we can slow down our growth, "said the Director.
Per year are consumed 3.6 billion liters of beverages in powder, generating a turnover of 2.8 billion R$. The Mondelez is a leader with 55% share in the industry.
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