segunda-feira, 02 de maio, 2016

52% of women will keep spending on beauty products in 2016

More than half of consumers (52%) plan to maintain this year the same amount spent on beauty products. Already 9% said they will increase it and 24% lower. The data are of the Research Plan, carried out by 2016 Beauty Glambox between November 2015 and January 2016. 4,321 women participated. The survey also pointed out that 46% intend to buy only the essentials, while 18% say they''re going to find more promotions. In this group, any consumer said buying cheaper brands to save money. Another point is that 58% answered that will acquire hair care products, 57% not open hand, 56% will continue buying items for facial cleaning and 51%, perfumes. In addition, 60% indicate that they prefer the physical stores.
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