quinta-feira, 03 de março, 2016

Soft drink manufacturers will stop advertising to children

The Brazilian Association of manufacturers of soft drinks and non-alcoholic drinks (Abir) decided to recommend to the industries to suspend advertising their products for children up to 12 years, "following a world trend".
According to Abir, the decision will be worth when 35% of the audience of a program is less than 12 years. The association informs that works in order to "implement the guidance, respecting the calendars of each associated".
"Many brands of soft drinks manufactured in Brazil have fully adopted this commitment and their international and national experiences will be used as the basis for the new industry strategy in the country," said in a note.
"The industry has been studying a self-regulation for some time now and last year to Abir has created a working group whose conclusions are in order to adhere to existing guidelines and practices in other countries," says Alexandre Jobim, President of the entity.
Other initiatives
In 2013, the world''s largest manufacturer of drinks, Coca-Cola launched a global plan to combat obesity. At the time, the company announced that it would stop advertising to children under 12 years anywhere in the world and to amend packaging to specify the amount of calories in their products and increase the supply of beverages with low-calorie or no-calorie in more than 200 markets in which it operates.
The following year, was published in the "Official Gazette" of the Union "a resolution of the National Council for the rights of children and adolescents (Conanda), attached to the Secretariat of Human Rights of the Presidency of the Republic, that pointed the kind of advertising considered abusive to this audience.
According to the text, is abusive advertising that encourages children to consume a given product or service making use of child language, special effects, excessive colors, children''s songs or soundtracks sung by voices of child, child representation, people or celebrities with appeal to children, or children''s presenters characters, cartoon or animation, as well as dolls or similar , promotion with distribution of prizes or gifts or collectibles with appeals to children and promoting with competitions or games with appeal to children.
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