terça-feira, 01 de março, 2016

São Paulo trade closes 2015 with drop of almost 6%

Trade sales fell 5.9% in 2015, pulled by falling incomes, rising unemployment and a lack of credit, according to the survey by the São Paulo commercial Association (ACSP).
"The retail crisis is felt across the country, but more intensely in Sao Paulo, as the State suffers from acute way the effects of the industry downturn.
Last year, the majority of retail branches showed negative results. The biggest highlights left of car dealerships, whose sales fell 17.3 percent, and department stores, home appliances and electronics ( -13.4%).
Sales rose only in pharmacies and perfumeries (3.1%) and supermarkets (0.6%).
Of the 20 regions analysed in the survey, the only ones not recorded a decrease in sales in 2015, compared with 2014, were the Alto Tietê (7%) and Presidente Prudente (0.1%).
The Western Metropolitan region and the region of Campinas had the biggest falls of 9.6%. In São Paulo, the recoil was 6.6%, 2014.
Restricted retail-not including car dealerships and shops of building materials, the fall was lower, 3.5% in 2015 2014 front.
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