quinta-feira, 03 de março, 2016

Retail Pharmacist billing Grows 9.85% in January

The national pharmaceutical retail started the year with revenues of R$ 3.03 billion in sales, according to Abrafarma. The value is 9.85% higher than January last year, but represents a slowing growth percentage, when compared to the high of 11.94% (jan/jan/x 2014 2015) and 17.05% (jan/jan/x 2013 2014). On comparison between the months of January 2015 and 2016, sales in units of medicines and not medicines have risen from about 175 to more than 177 million units. Already the amount of stores in operation rose from 5,576 to 5,958 and the number of people served has reached 68.52 million.
Results by category
The drugs represented a total volume of R$ 1.96 billion in January, against just over R$ 1.77 billion recorded in the first month of 2015, a high of 4.78%. Sales expenses not medicines reached 1.06 billion R$, however, with more expressive, 8.07%. The survey, conducted by the Fundação Instituto de Administração da Universidade de São Paulo (FIA-USP), pointed out that the sale of generics amounted to more than 350 million R$ in early 2016. The amount is 11.17% larger than January last year. In all, more than 23.11 million units in this category.
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