sexta-feira, 11 de março, 2016

In crisis, trade calls for "Black Wednesday"

São Paulo-in an attempt to get rid of unwanted stocks and boost sales, e-commerce mobilizes to do a sort of "Black Friday" out of season.
Next week, two virtual trading platforms, the Rocket and the Free Market, prepare megaliquidações with discounts of up to 70% on advertised items like electronics, appliances, computers and decoration, among others.
The motto is the consumer''s day, celebrated on March 15. But, in practice, the intention is to give a boost in business walking slowly because of the crisis. On Thursday, 10, the Brazilian Institute of geography and statistics (IBGE) revealed that January sales fell 10.3 percent compared with the same month of 2015. It was the worst result for the month on that basis of comparison since 2001.
"March is one of the weakest months for sales in the first half because the consumer is still in debt with Christmas shopping and the start of year liquidations", says André Ricardo Dias, Director of the E-bit/rocket.
From the first hour of Wednesday, 16 day, until midnight, the Rocket coordinates megaliquidação with 650 participating stores, among which are major retailers virtual trade, how B2W CNova, for example and.
Days says that in the event of this year the number of participating stores is higher and the discount also: revolves around 50%. According to him, the more aggressive movement occurs, because the amount of stock on offer is greater.
The free market, already preparing a settlement to last a week-between 14 and 20 March-reports that will offer discounts of up to 70% to over 8 1000 products. There are about 350 participating stores, among which are major retailers, like Ricardo Eletro and Extra, for example.
"Retailers have reasons to make this megapromoção", says the Chief Economist of the National Trade Confederation (CNC), Fabio Bentes. The last data available accurate by the inventory shows that in February, 30.3% of retailers accumulated stocks above the desired.
The frame is more critical to the durable goods (34.9%, whose sales depend on credit and consumer confidence in the economy.
"The retail as a whole continues superestocado and that contaminates the electronic trade," says Bentes. The information is from the newspaper O Estado de s. Paulo.
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