quinta-feira, 10 de março, 2016

Growth in the crisis

Brazilian sales of beverage cans surprised in 2015 and showed growth of 1.2%, despite the crisis that affected the beverage market in the country. Even with the brazilian economy and a fall in the production and consumption of beer and soft drinks, the marketing of cans managed to overcome even the excellent figures recorded in 2014, reaching 24.1 billion units sold. The market remains the third largest in the world, behind only American and Chinese. "We had a very high reference base, because of the strong growth registered in 2014, mainly due to the soccer World Cup in Brazil. Therefore, an increase of just over 1% is cause for celebration, "says Renault Castro, Executive Chairman of the Brazilian Association of Manufacturers ABRALATAS cans of High Recyclability. "The brazilian economy is not doing well, many industries had retraction, and can keep showing that is gaining more space, gaining the preference of the consumer and the manufacturer of beverages", analyzes. "Is the result of years and years of investment and innovation in production", reinforces Jorge Angel, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ABRALATAS. "We bet on diversification of the format, in Tin differential compared to other packaging, on decentralization of production. In other words, the industry of beverage cans has followed trends and approached the consumer. " An important strategy of the cans in order to extend its use by manufacturers of drinks was the change of formats and the use of printing technologies to make the package more attractive to the consumer. "The traditional can of 350 ml absolute reigned, but especially in the last five years there have been strong investment in the sector and new production lines have been deployed, allowing other formats and sizes of the packaging," explains Renault. "In other words, we make the can for every occasion and we make packing a highlight on the shelf or in events", completed ABRALATAS Executive Chairman.
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