sexta-feira, 02 de dezembro, 2016

Volkswagen will invest 1.5 billion R$ in Brazil

São Paulo-even with 75% of idleness and head the second year consecutive loss, MAN Latin America, manufacturer of trucks and buses Volkswagen, announced onte, an investment of about 1.5 billion R$ for the next five years in Brazil.
According to the company, the amount will be applied mainly in the development of new products. "We are very ambitious plans, so we are investing more than in previous programs," said on Thursday (01) the President of MAN in Brazil, Roberto Cortes.
Over the last four cycles of investment, the MAN contributed $1 billion in each. "We are convinced that the market is going to react," pondered the global CEO holding of Volkswagen commercial vehicles, Andreas Renschler, who came to the Country for the announcement and if found, along with other executives of the company, with the President Michel Temer yesterday morning.
Despite the contribution look foolish in a backdrop of deep recession and anticipation of resumed extremely slow the economy, the company ensures that all signs indicate that Brazil will grow back.
"With the approval of the spending cut and concessions and privatization programmes, we believe that in 2017 the Country should re-submit growth", says cuts. "Already for the next year, we can see an improvement in the level of employability," he adds.
But while the resumption does not come, the path will still be arduous for the automakers of trucks, which are only using 25% of its installed capacity in the country, approximately 400,000 units, estimates the MAN.
In 2016, the automaker designs a 59000 market trucks and buses, approximately 30% drop over the past year. For 2017 predicting growth of "two digits"-more around 10%-to the segment, what second cuts, is insufficient to end the drama industry.
"This year, the truck market will go back to the last century," says he. According to projections of the MAN, domestic sales should return this year to the level of 1999, when they were sold in the country units 61000.
Cortes noted, however, that the automaker is adjusting from 2012, when the market began to show signs of slowing. The MAN owns a plant in Resende (RJ). "Our structure is already adjusted to the new reality of the country".
He confirmed that the MAN just negotiate the renewal, for another year, the employment protection program (EPP) for employees of Resende. "We are confident that the market will never grow, albeit slowly."
The Executive noted that currently, the factory exports of 15% to 20% of production, mainly to the countries of Latin America. The goal, however, is to raise that up to 35 percent in three years. "We will seek to open up new markets, such as North Africa and the Middle East", he observes.
Cuts reveals that at the meeting with Fear three basic points were discussed: the program of fleet renewal, more credit lines for export and the magnification to 100% of the amount financed by the Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) under the Finame.
DCI - 02/12/2016
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