quarta-feira, 07 de dezembro, 2016

E-commerce Grows 15%, but Sales Retreat

According to the Retail indicator Mastercard, electronic commerce grew 15% in October and achieved the best performance of the channel in the last 12 months. E-commerce also presented a growth of 12.3% the last three months compared to the same period in 2016, registering positive result for the fourth consecutive month. However, the total sales of the Brazilian retail sector in the month fell 6.5 percent compared to October 2015, causing decline of 4.4% in the last three months compared to the same period of the previous year, below the 3.6 percent drop in the third quarter.
Four sectors had results above the total sales: clothing, construction materials, personal and household items, as well as pharmaceuticals. In contrast, supermarkets, fuel, furniture and electronics had numbers below the total sales. Among the sectors of e-commerce, pharmaceutical articles and clothing had outstanding performances, while electronics, furniture and hobby & bookstores had results below the sales channel.
Economic Scenario
Consumer confidence grew for the fifth consecutive month in October, reflecting a gradual improvement in the perception of the economic environment, although the unemployment rate continue to reasonably high. "The unemployment rate continues to be a problem for the economy, although a greater consumer confidence can alleviate some of the prospects," said Kamalesh Rao, Director of economic research at Mastercard Advisors.
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