terça-feira, 20 de dezembro, 2016

Colored rings for cans made in Brazil

Novelis brings to Brazil the production of colored rings for aluminum beverage cans. So far only available in the international market, the product being manufactured in the country in the colors red, green, blue and orange.
One advantage is the flexibility of the minimum lot marketed. According to Fernando Wongtschowski, Marketing Manager of Novelis South America, in the painting is used an innovative system with water-based varnish and colored concentrates, which enables the manufacture of lots smaller minimum per color.
"The minimum lots are a novelty and a differential. Novelis can offer lots of 2 to 3 tons per color, while producers in other regions provide larger lots, between 5 and 10 tons, linked to the purchase of other products, because of the need for consolidation of freight ", explains Wongtschowski.
For the Manager, this innovation in the domestic market ensures better service to customers in promotional campaigns, in which reduced volumes of cans are produced to meet limited editions.
"The color and the customization of the can help differentiate brands on the shelves and the different product families feature. Without doubt, the color provides a premium feature to the product, "says Wongtschowski.
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