quarta-feira, 30 de novembro, 2016

Pork R$ 40.3 bi moves in refrigerators

Pig farming moved R$ 149.8 billion between the field and the table last year, according to a study commissioned by the ABCS (Brazilian Association of breeders of pigs) and by Sebrae to Markestrat consulting and FEA/USP, Ribeirão Preto (SP). Only sales by refrigerators in the country were responsible for 40 R$, 3 billion, of which 93% in domestic sales. Among pork products, fresh sausage was the largest recorded revenues in 2015-R$ 5.8 billion.
own consumption Although Brazil is the world''s sixth largest consumer of pork in absolute terms, the average of 15 pounds of protein consumed annually by each Brazilian, is still considered low. In the United States, for example, the average is 27.9 pounds; in Germany, 53.5 kilos, and in Hong Kong, 60.4 pounds. Increasing domestic consumption of pork is both a challenge and a great opportunity, according to the study.
According to the study, the low consumption in Brazil can be explained by the lower availability of swine cuts compared to what occurs with the bovine meat and chicken. But there are also cultural factors. The pork fat is considered by many Brazilians. In recent years, however, advertising campaigns have helped to change this picture, and the pork has been more demanded in the homes of the country. In addition, the higher prices of beef often stimulate the migration of consumption for the pork.
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