segunda-feira, 28 de novembro, 2016

Mato Grosso States that export in January will be stronger

The planting soybeans in Brazil''s main producer State, Mato Grosso, which advanced at a record pace in 2016/17, reached 97.6% of the area designed for the current period in the last week.
This data confirms that the harvest will begin sooner, which will lead to greater exports of the country in January, according to analysts.
The Institute Mato-Grossense Agricultural Economy (Investigation), an agency linked to the producers, reported on Friday a weekly advance in soybean seeding of 2 percentage points, which kept the plantation index above registered in the same period of last year (95.6%).
In the Middle-Northern State, main area of cultivation of Mato Grosso, reached 100% of the planting area designed, West and Northwest regions. With the planting soybeans early, it is expected that the harvest starts at the end of December in a few areas of Mato Grosso, in the evaluation of Director of Agroconsult, André Pessôa, and allowing them to be able to export more soy in January.
"The export of January 2017 will be greater than that of the same period last year, it''s going to be bigger," said Pessôa, during industry event on Thursday night (24).
The departure of the country''s largest soy exporter product global, amounted to 390,000 tonnes in January. Normally, at the peak, monthly soybean exports stay at milhões tons.
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