terça-feira, 18 de outubro, 2016

To overcome crisis, Avon modernizes his speech

The adage says that won''t move on team that is winning and, for a long time, it was exactly what you did to Avon. Brand campaigns adopted a generic tone, but accurate: international celebrities (like Reese Witherspoon) or national (Flávia Alessandra), product images, very bright and was ready the recipe for success. In recent years, however, the formula gave signs of fatigue, which was reflected in the results of the company. After change of ownership, the company realized that it needed to change. In Brazil, the "turn" is radical.
There are 15 months in charge of marketing at Avon, the Executive, who had spells Marise by Amanco and Masisa, understood that it was necessary to drink on the values of the brand Foundation, for 130 years. One of them is the concept of financial independence of women, provided for the sale of the products. The speech was adapted to current times. The "empowerment" returned to the scene, this time married with diversity.
The change began a year ago, with the campaign of awareness about breast cancer. In 2015, remember Marise, the commercial was starring the transsexual Honey Candy. More recently, by adopting the concept of "feel in the skin" to launch a campaign for its main products-BB Cream, moisturizing type that serves as a foundation to makeup, the company went on to argue that the product should not be used just for women but also for men. "It was a decision that came up in a team meeting and decided to embrace the idea that makeup is for everyone," says Marise.
The result of daring something Avon haven''t seen in a long time: the brand became news. The campaign Feel on the skin, which was published this year and marked one of the last appearances of Elke Maravilha, who died in August, had more than 4 million views on YouTube. Already the colony''s Attraction campaign-which has the proposal "each feels attracted to the way you want, by whoever"-was seen 2,100,000 times. According to marketing director, Avon increased engagement on the internet, particularly among young people, especially those who associated the brand to "mother cosmetic".
Along with the new image, Avon also needed to improve the product portfolio. Known by the proposition of competitive price, the company is trying to be an alternative for those who, in times of crisis, you can''t spend on makeup and perfume of premium brands. The company launched a matte lipstick (matte) that sold 16 million units only in Brazil. By the end of the year, the main bet is a fragrance made in partnership with the Japanese Kenzo. The male and female versions will be sold for 100 R$.
The result of change begins slowly to appear in Brazil. Sales, they were falling, grew 2 percent in the second quarter in real. During this period, according to data from Nielsen, the company gained 1.2 percentage point to participate in the cosmetics category.
The overall result, there have been advances-the second-quarter profit was $ 33 million, but analysts still want to wait to see if the "management shock" of the Fund Cerberus, the new company''s controller, will consolidate in the long run.
For Eduardo Tomiya brands expert, Kantar Vermeer, it''s too early to tell if the Avon did winner in this "revolution". "It''s always good to change, try to have a clearer positioning. However, the truth is that Natura and the Apothecary still seem to have more clear. " The information is from the newspaper O Estado de s. Paulo.
O Estado de S. Paulo
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