terça-feira, 18 de outubro, 2016

Operators accelerate the pace for 4 g coverage and internet of things

Sao Paulo-the search of teles for revenue to compensate for the collapse of the voice services won new chapters yesterday (17). While Hi I live presented their bets for the internet of things and media, respectively, TIM returned to collect the release of 700 MHz bands, key to the sector in 4 g expansion.
The announcements were made on the first day of Futurecom, held in São Paulo (SP)-this year the telcos have opted for a joint participation with a stand only. The biggest attention fell on a TIM-vice in 4 g access in the country (see chart), but first in cities served, who shared expectations about the expansion of its daring coverage: the idea is to reach 1000 cities still in 2016 (in September were 664, according to Teleco), adding other 1000 in 2017, said the Chief Technology Officer of the company Leonardo Capdeville.
"This year the [National Telecommunications Agency] Anatel must release more 500 cities", appointed Executive, in reference to cleaning, currently underway, the 700 MHz bands, until then occupied by analog television-Brasilia and surrounding areas, are next on the list and must finish the process until the day 26 this month, said yesterday the Agency. The spectrum was acquired in 2014 by operators only TIM claims to have allocated $ 3 billion to expand since then-once the track is ideal for the operation of the 4 g.
According to Capdville, the non-availability of frequencies (whose delivery depends on the migration of 93% of the population of each municipality to digital TV) prevents the tele "capture its full potential". In August, said the Executive, 35% of the TIM mobile accesses occurred via 4 g. "If my network''s 700 [MHz], 55% we could," said Capdeville.
The final consumer is not the only target of TIM with the 4 g expansion: the carrier is also eyeing the growing potential of the Internet of things (IoT), especially in outlying areas. But if the operator has not yet defined exactly how to monetize the new niche/machine communication, its competitor Hi already gives some steps in this direction.
Tele presented the platform Hi Smart during Futurecom. Still in trial period and available for all Brazil from 2017, the service will act as a hub that can aggregate several smart devices (such as cameras, alarms and motion detectors) of a home or small business. The company works on the development of other projects related to IoT, but also in health and automotive vertical. "The operator tries to go in a market that until now no one had gone in," says Alexandre de Castro, of the New company''s business. The Hi plays light on what will be the role of Talbot in the spring ecosystem of IoT; abroad, the operators Orange and AT&T follow similar paths.
Other directions
Vivo, in turn, has expanded its partnership with the French giant Vivendi, aimed at content sales via mobile phone. The duo released the Studio +, application streaming series made for the mobile environment-the idea is to promote a "Netflix of mobile", according to the President of Vivo, Amos Genish. The Studio + is the second streaming app launched by the two partners this month: a few weeks ago was WatchMusic be presented to the market.
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