segunda-feira, 24 de outubro, 2016

Index of stocks has takes 0.3% high in October

In October, the IE (stock Index) reached 99.4 points, take high of 0.3% compared to September. According to analysts of FecomercioSP, that capture the research data, elevation, however, should not be celebrated since results from the high of 1.1 percentage point (p.p.) in the proportion of entrepreneurs with stocks above the suitable from 35.9% in September to 37% in the current month, as well as the fall of proportion of entrepreneurs with low stocks ( -1.0 p.p.), leaving the 14.3% to 13.3%.
In general the indicator hasn''t changed of porches, because stocks rose high and fell low, IE, more retailers are with shelves. In comparison with the same period in 2015, there was growth of 8.1% in IE (when the index registered 91.9 points).

The share of entrepreneurs who consider their appropriate stocks recorded slight growth of 0.4 percentage points in monthly comparison, passing of 49.2% to 49.6%. Compared to October 2015, the increase was 3.8 percentage points, when that portion was 45.8%.

According to the consultancy FecomercioSP, economic expectations for 2016, which were in fact negative, even when improved after four months of increase of the indicator fell in September and only a modest and slightly high in October. These indicators, combined with the increased confidence of entrepreneurs and consumers indicate that the Country is building the road to recovery in 2017.
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