terça-feira, 11 de outubro, 2016

High prices on products for children''s day

Some bets of gifts for the children''s day are among the items that showed high prices in the year to September. That''s what points the survey FecomercioSP (Federation of trade in goods, services and tourism of the State of São Paulo), based on the data obtained in the IPCA 15 (consumer price index Broad 15), established by IBGE.

In this period, the price of a bicycle can cost 6.77% more, while the toys in General, record increase of 6.92 percent. The variation in prices of these items made the average inflation in the year to September was 5.90%.

In the area of clothing, according to the entity, the following variations were observed: infant clothing (2.11%), pants (4.97%), sweater (2.73%), infant dress (3.12%), bermuda and (0.30%), short shirt/t-shirt (0.78%), children''s suite (2.73%), sandals (flip-flops/ -0.34%).
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