segunda-feira, 17 de outubro, 2016

Children''s day sales have worst result since 2008, says FecomercioSP

SAO PAULO-the total turnover in the Brazilian retail children''s day retreated 3,9% this year regarding the performance of in 2015, considering taking inflation data, a loss equivalent to 2.2 billion reais, said on Thursday the Federation for trade in goods, services and tourism of the State of São Paulo in Brazil.
According to FecomercioSP, it was the worst performance of historical series of data, started in 2008, and follows the widespread retreat of economic activity, influenced by the high interest rates, increased unemployment and cautious consumers.
The principal explains that the estimate is based on the projection of a new real fall in turnover of the retail trade in Brazil in October, in the proportion of sales of the commemorative date in relation to the total of the month and on the result of 4,2% drop in the number of queries to the database of credit information company Boa Vista SCPC.
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