terça-feira, 25 de outubro, 2016

Black Friday is the second-best year for trade date online

Black Friday is already considered the second most important date of online retail, after Christmas, and the volume of business generated by the Brazilian e-commerce during the event keeps growing. According to Ebit, 84% of Internet users said they will take the Friday, scheduled for 25 November. An increase of three percentage points compared to last year''s survey.
At the beginning of the Decade, when the first Black Friday in the country, billing was mere 3 million R$. Aggressive discounts and diversity of segments and brands were inevitable to the dizzying growth of data. Also according to the Ebit, the 2016 Edition revenue expected to reach 2.1 billion R$, representing growth around 30% compared to 2015, R$ 1.6 billion.
The products with greater intent to purchase must be Electronic categories (34%); Home appliances (28%); Telephony and cell phones (27%); Data processing (23%); and Home and decoration (13%), respectively.
In addition, the survey also indicates that the expected purchases on Black Friday, 44% must be made with the aim of anticipating the purchases for Christmas. The destination of the products is varied: 59% for own use, 24% to 14% for this family and 3% with other purposes.
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