quinta-feira, 10 de setembro, 2015

SC bet wine in wine that comes in glass

Villaggio GH, in the Midwest, want to ensure that the product is served in places where it is inconvenient to store glass bottles.
The winery Villaggio Gh, Midwest catarinense, want to ensure that your wine will reach planes, ships, airports, ballads and any other place where it is inconvenient to keep bottles and glass cups. For this, invented a product that combines the practicality of glass and the taste of wine merlot.
For the first batch, the company, located on a farm in freshwater, is producing 2,000 units of the product. The launch will be on 23 September, in São Paulo. Each plastic cup has 187 milliliters, about 25% of the contents of a bottle. And the process is done until the wine is semi-automatic, sealed with a shelf life of one year. How is a product unprecedented in South America, the production had to be manufactured.
— The idea was born in Argentina, after I see some folks on the dance floor, drinking wine with bottle and glass on hand — Alexander Furniel, creator of the creation and commercial partner of the Villaggio Gh.
With the idea in mind, Furniel searched the industrial designer Adriano de Lucca to develop the concept and the machinery needed for manufacturing.
Now the winery invests in the potential of the product to gain space, in particular, as a practical solution to be offered in the lip service during travel areas.
— Was the first thing I thought of for the product — William Gerald, one of the directors of the company, noting that there is also room to insert the solution of having the wine in glasses, ready for consumption, in nightclubs.
The first batch is just the variety merlot, but there are plans to also offer the market options of white wine and rose.
Jornal Diário Catarinense - SC
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