sexta-feira, 25 de setembro, 2015

Growing participation of agricultural industries among the export leaders

Even with the recipe of your shipments in considerable decline since the beginning of this year, agribusiness has expanded its participation in the total exports of the country to almost 50% from January to August and, in this scenario, the main companies in the sector have gained even more space between the leaders of the national trade balance.
According to the Bureau of foreign trade (Secex/Mdic), in total Brazilian exports totaled US $ 128,348 billion in the first eight months of 2015, 16.7% less that in the same range of 2014 ($ 154,018 billion). As, according to criteria of the Ministry of agriculture, agribusiness shipments fell 11.7% ($ 67,612 billion to US $ 59,713 billion), the share of total industry rose from 43.9% to 46.5%. To a large extent, this reflects the General shrinkage shrinkage in important dollar tariff items-chads, among other factors, by the American currency appreciation. Agribusiness has not escaped the trend, but in some cases the indentations were more modest and, in others, the increase in sales volume served as compensation.
In August, for example, the two factors boosted the soybeans, which leads exports of agribusiness in Brazil. Not only the value of the ton exported fell, on average, only 25.1% in relation to same month of 2014-less than aluminum (26%), (40.9%) flat-rolled and iron ore (47%), among other products, like the volume sold increased by 25.3%.
In this context, the American multinationals Bunge, Cargill and ADM, major trading companies of soybeans and derived, among other agricultural products led the increase in the participation of agribusiness companies in the recipe of the 40 major exporters of the country from January to August, even with its sales falling in the u.s. currency.
According to Secex, the trio-in addition to the JBS, a global leader in animal-source proteins lost only to Vale and Petrobras, as usual, and led a team of 17 companies in the agribusiness that composed the list of "40 +" in the first eight months of the year.
In total, these companies exported $ 26,738 billion in the range. Even if this value has been 14.9% lower than that registered between January and August of 2014 ($ 31,409 billion), the joint group of 40 slice leading exporters of the country increased from 41.7% to 43.6% in the comparison.
There is, however, reason to celebrate, since the climb was only possible because other exporting sectors have faced bigger problems. According to the data of 14 of the 17 largest, Brazilian exporters of agribusiness embittered retractions of their revenue shipments.
The biggest fall was the Louis Dreyfus Commodities (40.5%, to $ 1,638 billion), but double-digit falls were not exception. In the case of leader Bunge, the reduction was 26.3%, to $ 3,653 billion; in the BRF, largest Brazilian exporter of chicken, has reached 23.2% to $ 2,118 billion; and the cooperative controlled by the same members of the Copersucar 19.9% to hit $ 683 million.
Against the grain, only three companies: Suzano, exporter of pulp and paper (high of 21.3% to $ 1,233 billion), the Cooxupé, leader in coffee (68.3%, to US $ 590 million), and Citrosuco, orange juice (20.7% to $ 567 million).
Valor Economico
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