sexta-feira, 11 de setembro, 2015

Crisis makes more than half of Brazilians change consumption habits

Before the economic crisis, Brazilians are changing their consumption and your financial planning: 57% claim to have changed habits and other 21% intend to change them. The data were obtained by research of the National Confederation of industry (CNI) he heard people in 141 municipalities 2,002, between 18 and 21 June to 86% of respondents, the Brazil is living an economic crisis and 66% consider the situation bad or terrible. One of the main problems is the increased inflation, 59% said they had lost purchasing power in the last 12 months. The study points out that 90% of people find more prices before shopping, 77% have changed the locations, 72% have traded similar products cheaper, 63% have postponed the purchase of products of higher value goods and 74% have reduced the cost of House because it was shorter. "The current crisis affects the entire economy and has been affecting the employment and incomes of the population much more significantly. Both the investment as household consumption are decreasing. In addition, the political crisis, which did not exist in the previous crisis, has increased uncertainty about the recovery, "says the Executive Manager of the research and competitiveness of CNI, Renato da Fonseca. Another concern among respondents is unemployment: 76% are concerned or very concerned about being without a job or having to close the deal in the next 12 months. Income tax the President of CNI, Robson Braga de Andrade, attacked today the possibility of increasing Government studied collection through tax income tax of individuals. "You can't increase taxes. Public services are of terrible quality. When the Minister [of finance Joaquim Levy] says that in Brazil the tax load is close to that of some countries in Europe or North America, is true. But, on the other hand, the provision of public services is of worse quality [in Brazil] and we have to meet a series of loopholes that the Government itself [federal] and the State Governments are not able to provide to society, "he said. The statements were made in seminar in Brasilia that discusses the fiscal adjustment and the legal security of the country. According to Andrade, Brazil needs structural reforms to not seek extraordinary income "each year". "This tax issue is fundamental so that we can have in the future a condition of governability. If we don't have a position to govern, to elect citizens with conditions to deploy policies to improve the security of the State, investing in infrastructure and in the preparation of a civil servant, we have that every year looking for one-off revenues to meet this or that deficiency of our system, "he said. Renato Merolli, President of the National Confederation of health (CNS), also criticized the statement made by Levy yesterday that the country's income tax rates close to those of developed countries. According to him, the Minister's statement does not take into account the other taxes. "If you add up all the country, ours is among the ten largest in the world. We are choked with the tax increase, "said Merolli.
Valor Econômico - 11/09/2015
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