terça-feira, 19 de maio, 2015

Product with low price will ensure the sector's revenue in the June festivals

The food manufacturers are betting on the low price of the festa junina-related products to increase sales. Can be easily marketed outside the period of the parties, the products represent a safe bet for the sector. "The advantage of the products that we sell is that, although they are typical sweets of the June festivals, they are normally consumed in the other months of the year," says the commercial Director of St. Helena, Luís Roberto Bertella. The company, owner of the Paçoquita brand, designs high 20% on sales volume in the period, in comparison with the registered in 2014.
According to him, the products can be sold for up to five months after the end of the holiday season. "The price is also attractive, because they are not expensive items," he says. The Executive acknowledges that the market is more difficult this year, but expects the launch of new products, still in consolidation phase, help to leverage sales along with the rise in popularity of peanut products. The expectation of St. Helena is to increase 20% in sales volume this year, same percentage envisaged for the period of June party.
In the evaluation of the Economist of the Brazilian Association of food industries (Abia), Denis Ribeiro, dates as the June festivals are important to the industry calendar, because help move sales. "Companies take advantage of these events to stimulate the consumption of some products." According to Euromonitor consulting, selling peanuts advanced 73.8% between 2009 and 2014, adding $ 1.25 billion last year.
"The peanut is a product that cannot be left out of the jerk," said peanut Vice President of Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Chocolates, cocoa, peanuts, hard candies and derivatives (Abicab), André Guedes. General Mills, which owns the brand Yoki, also invests in launching peanut based products to date. According to the company, the cake flavor, peanut butter cups, one of the highlights of the June festivities, mark won a version for individual consumption this year. In addition to the releases, the Yoki will have a specific campaign to explore the theme of jerk.
"Based on the concept ' Who likes doing home ', the objective is to stimulate the consumer to make a June party at home for your family and friends with the Yoki products", says the manufacturer, in a statement sent to the press. The company does not disclose numbers or sales projections. In addition to the cakes, the Yoki line bet of popcorn sweet.
Last year, sales of popcorn in the sector totaled r $ 385 million, a high of 73.6% in comparison with sales in 2009, according to a survey of Euromonitor. For the Zaeli Food corn popcorn, along with peanuts, are the products whose fastest growing demand during this period. The paranaense manufacturer expects the temperature drop also encourages the purchase of products, with consumers looking for food and economic options for meals at home.
"By having a low price, the consumer doesn't buy products like these," says the commercial Director of Zaeli, Kapil Sethi. This year, the company designs high of 20% in turnover with sales in the period. For the whole year, the Zaeli provides the same percentage of expansion, with high of 12% to 14% by volume.
To take advantage of the stimulus generated by festa junina in industry sales, the Bimbo of Brazil will launch a new line of flavored cakes Ana Maria. This will be the first time that the company invests in a specific product to date.
"We see potential in seasonal products, mainly the jerk", says the Director of marketing for manufacturer, Alejandro Hernandez. He recalls that the Bimbo also produces specific items for Christmas, Easter and summer.
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