sexta-feira, 06 de março, 2015

Pullman and Plus Vita expands portfolio

Pullman and Plus Vita, traditional brands of Grupo Bimbo-world leader in bakery goods-broaden your portfolio with a focus on the public worried about the health of the family. Zero% bread, which promises to make success, is zero sugar, trans fats, cholesterol and still has low total fat and saturated.
An eye on the world-wide trend that press body care and well-being, bread Zero% is the novelty that need to be consumed by the whole family at any time of the day and without fault. Proof that the healthier you can be hot.
"The arrival of Zero% Bread reinforces our concern for the Brazilian family. Pullman brands and Plus Vita cherish the health and satisfaction of its customers and, come to think of it, bring a release which gives the traditional flavor of brands with the advantage of being zero sugar, cholesterol and trans fat, "says Menoti Cavalante, product manager.
The Pullman brand breads are available in São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Parana and Distrito Federal, Goiás and Plus Vita, in Rio de Janeiro. The news can be found in the main supermarkets, bakeries and convenience stores.
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