quinta-feira, 05 de março, 2015

L Occitane au Brésil ´ enters into the category of facial care and launches line Umbu

The Umbu, rich in vitamins and minerals was chosen by L'occitane au Brésil for creating their first facial line. The franco-Brazilian brand L'occitane Group found in the Umbu, fruit typical of the Brazilian Caatinga, the inspiration for the formulation of facial care products that moisturize and give vitality to skin.

Suitable for all skin types, the refreshing cleansing gel, facial SOAP, invigorating lotion 3:0 pm 1 invigorating, refreshing and invigorating color moisturizing serum clean, tone and revitalize, providing a complete facial care routine. Formulated with this refreshing fruit extract, the new product line provides a sensation of skin healthy and invigorated, radiating vitality.

With a look inspired by the rounded shapes of the fruit of the Umbu, the graphic designer Celene Gandhi and group Creative Director Olivier Baussan, L'occitane, sign the visual identity of the line, which hits stores and mini markets the brand in early March.
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