quinta-feira, 05 de março, 2015

Duratex purchase Shower Corona for $ 88.5 mi

Duratex signed binding proposal of purchase of the Shower Corona, specialized in the manufacturing of electric taps and showers, by the value of $ 88.5 million.
According to the company, the acquisition aligns the company's growth strategy in "synergistic business segments and shows continuity of strategy, starting in 2012, with the purchase of Thermosystem".
"With this operation, the Duratex assumes the Deputy leadership in the sector of electric showers and taps, with capacity for up to 30 percent of the market, with potential industrial and commercial synergies", says the company in fact. The closing of the deal depends on the completion of the due diligence process and can only happen after the appreciation and approval of the Administrative Council for economic Defense (Cade).
Duratex says that the acquisition is aligned to the strategic plan 2020 Duratex. "In the Deca Division important expansion movements occurred as the acquisition of bronze valves production unit, Lupatech Mipel, beyond the acquisition of Thermosystem."
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