sexta-feira, 06 de março, 2015

Abiplast thickens the chorus of high interest who criticized by Copom

The President of the Brazilian Association of the plastics industry (Abiplast), José Ricardo Roriz rabbit, criticizes the high basic interest rate (Selic), announced on Wednesday night, 4, by the monetary policy Committee (Copom), the Central Bank. "The Selic high cannot be the only instrument for combating inflation," he said in a note. In the evaluation of the leader, we must reduce public spending, adopt measures to recover the credibility of the country to foreign investors and wave to the productive sector with real prospects of economic stabilization. " In the case of the plastics industry, the physical production fell 3.5 percent in 2014 and real turnover retreated 6.5%.
"The elevation of the Selic rate is more an ingredient feeding the threat of recession in Brazil. Without delay, we need an interest rate policy and a tax burden compatible with the prevailing in the countries with whom we compete, "said rabbit.
In his assessment, solutions are needed that facilitate the access of small and medium-sized undertakings with long-term lines of credit, reduce the cost of production in Brazil, reducing bureaucracy and encourage the diversification of competition of services, supplies and raw materials. "Those are the answers that society expects. Solutions that actually put us on the path of development, "concludes Roriz.
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