sexta-feira, 26 de setembro, 2014

Electronics industry is on the rise in 2014

The World Cup and the constant search for items with best technology heated electronics sales this year, sector which registered a 21% higher revenues between January and July compared to the same period in 2013. The big highlight was even with smartphones, which had 74% growth, followed by tablets, with 48%, and by TV sets, 45%, according to a study from GFK. At the time of the World Cup, the thin-screen TVs have gained four percentage points of market share in revenues.
Already in relation to the generalist channel (supermarkets, hypermarkets, Department stores and e-commerce without physical units) recorded a growth in participation of the sales in the first seven months of the year. The slice of these major networks increased 5 percentage points, jumping from 27% in the same period in 2013, to 32%. Sales rose 43%, while the performance of specialized stores rose 13 percent.
Online sales also gained expressivity, with participation at levels equivalent to European countries. In 2013, they represented, in Brazil, 21% of the total, while, in Germany, the result was 24% and, in the United Kingdom, at 26%. From January to July this year, the internet channel is up two more points, reaching 23% stake in the consumer electronics market. The products of technology are some of the most purchased via e-commerce in Brazil: the channel is responsible for 38% of sales of photo, 32% of computer products, 23% and 22% of telephony Networks.
The study also shows that the Brazilian is less faithful to retailers (77%) when compared, for example, the Dutch (54%) and Americans (57 percent). Online shopping helps to accentuate this posture: at the time of acquiring a right over the internet, the consumer considers, in addition to price, the previous experience with the company. This previous relationship with the brand is touted as important by 78% of people. Already 70% consider other experiences with the product and 68% with the retailer.
Mundo Marketing - 26/09/2014
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