sexta-feira, 13 de junho, 2014

Breakfast with Santa Nutriferro launches promotional kit

In June, the Mead Johnson Nutrition Brazil launches the promotion "strengthening Nutrition with breakfast with Santa always at hand". Breakfast with Santa Nutriferro promotional kit will consist of five units of the product accompanied by a practical and unique lunch box, which brings emblazoned the OWL, mascot of the brand. So, moms can prepare a nutritious snack for your children are well-fed anywhere: in high school, Academy, Escuela de idiomas, tours, etc.
Breakfast with Santa Nutriferro is a milky drink ready to drink, offered in chocolate flavor. Has a formula enriched with iron, zinc, iodine and Vitamin c. There are 18 vitamins and minerals that help strengthen the nutrition of small.
The promotional kit will go on sale in the South (PR and RS), Southeast (SP and RJ) and Northeast (BA, CE, PE, PB, RN) in the best supermarket chains in the months of June and July. Lunch box delivery policy may vary depending on the network end. For more details, the regulation is on the campanhawww Web site. sustagensempreamao.
In addition, the product site you can find an interactive lunch box that helps parents to choose healthy food and balanced for the children, in addition to containing nutritional recipes and food tips. The product is part of the line, breakfast with Santa's market leader for 60 years in the country and high brand recognition by mothers and fathers Brazilians as a benchmark in quality and nutrition.
Embanews - 11/06/2014
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