sexta-feira, 11 de abril, 2014

Kraeuterkaese changes of molten cheese packaging

After 12 years on the market, the packaging of the cheese production Kraeuterkaese changed. The Dairy Pomerode, Pomerode (SC), went on to adopt the name "Parmesan cream" for the product, leaving in the background the brand and the term "processed cheese". The aluminum tube is the same. Only the graphic design has changed.
Research conducted by the company showed that few people outside of Santa Catarina could say what was in the previous package. Nothing has changed in the recipe, according to the businessman Julian Mendes, owner of Dairy Pomerode.
The company's goal is to increase sales in other States, such as Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.
Embalagem Marca - 10/04/2014
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