quinta-feira, 13 de março, 2014

Lojas Americanas has profit of R $ 462,9 million in 2013, up 12.8%

SAO PAULO-the retailer Lojas Americanas made a net profit of r $ 462,9 million in 2013, advancement of 12.8% in comparison with the net gain of R $ 410,2 million a year earlier. The numbers are allocated to enterprise controllers, basis for the calculation of dividends.
Net revenue totaled r $ 13.4 billion over the 12 months, expansion of 18.2 percent on the same basis of comparison.
The costs of goods and services stood at r $ 9.33 billion in the period, with a high of 17.5%, while operating expenses were R $ 2.62 billion in 12 months, 22% advance.
The net financial result was negative at r $ 881,2 million, up 12%.
The earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (Ebitda, the acronym in English) totaled r $ 1.8 billion, an increase of 17.4%, with an Ebitda margin of 13.8%.
Valor Econômico - 12/03/2014
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