segunda-feira, 24 de março, 2014

Falls auto parts industry billing

Monthly survey of the National Union of the automotive vehicle components industry (Sindipeças) 7.5% fall in points earnings in January in the sector's actual confrontation with the same month in 2013. However, in the last 12 months accumulated there was growth of 2.2%.
In the Division by segment, sales for automakers recorded positive variation of 4% and the spare, 4.5%. However, exports retreated in 9.5% and business intrassetoriais, at 12%.
Also according to the entity, there was high of 0.3% in the level of employment in January over December. The results are formed with consolidated information from 87 companies that represent 31.4% of total auto industry sales in Brazil.
Economic research covers five States. In January, the participation of Sao Paulo was 35.4%; the Minas Gerais, 18.8%; Rio Grande do Sul, 10.9% share; Paraná, 8.2%; Santa Catarina, 3.3%; and others, 23.4%.
Automotive Business - 20/03/2014
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