quarta-feira, 19 de março, 2014

Congraf develops exclusive packaging for the Cocoa Easter Show

The Cocoa Show idealized a special packaging for Easter of children. Developed by the in-house team of creation of the company for the egg of Chocobichos Farm, packing involves two items within a single display: a chocolate egg and a plush. "We use a special knife that happened to have semi-automatic and closing bottom with latches, indispensable details for safe exposure of the product and the toast, as impossible violation. When we collaborate with the project, we seek to provide maximum security to the packed product. We thought we'd keep you protected in distribution and exhibition. In the case of this challenge, we are following with the client specific packaging needs. This development partnership, resulted in a differentiated and safe packing, "says Cesar Costa, packaging designer of Congraf.
Cocoa Development Show, also sought to enhance the visual aspect, through shape and attractive finishes, targeting awakening as much consumer interest. Therefore, the display was printed in five colors and matte varnish total, besides having UV gloss located applications and viewing window of the packed product, details that add value and highlight the product at the point of sale.
"It's gratifying when we have a good idea and partners strive to the maximum so that it becomes reality. The end result is something to be proud of, because we are sure that we have developed a proprietary and unique design, which sets us apart through creativity and excellence in quality ", says Rafael Altavista, Manager of creation of Cocoa Show.
EmbaNews - 18/03/2014
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