sexta-feira, 07 de março, 2014

Batavo launches commemorative editions products

The jabuticaba, Brazil's original fruit and pear, which offers the perfect balance between taste and calories, are the two new flavours chosen by Batavo for its lines of dairy drinks that have limited editions in celebration of Brazil. "We want to amaze consumers with innovative flavours that appeal to the palate of Brazilians," says Rodolfo Torello, chief marketing officer of BRF. "For the third consecutive year, we invest in seasonal editions. It is also a brand strategy to move the health food market ", reveals the Executive. Available in all regions of the country, except in the Northeast, the limited editions will be on shelves in versions of 180 g and 900 g Batavo line and 170 g and 850 g to Think Zero.
EmbaNews - 07/03/2014
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