quinta-feira, 20 de fevereiro, 2014

Export of tobacco firm follows

Brazilian tobacco exports totaled 627 thousand tons and yielded $ 3.27 billion in 2013, according to data from the Bureau of foreign trade (Secex) compiled by Interstate tobacco industry Union (SindiTabaco). Sales revenues kept the same level of the previous year, and thus the country again led the global shipments.
"We have kept this important position on the world market since 1993, thanks to the quality and integrity of the product that is marketed. Another strong competitive factor along with international customers is sustainable production conducted in the country, taken seriously by our associated companies ", says in a statement, the President of SindiTabaco, Iro Schünke.
The tobacco produced in Brazil has been exported to 102 countries last year. The Belgium topped the purchases, followed by China, which topped the rankings in 2012. The Belgian position is justified by the strategic location of the port of Antwerp, who as the port of Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, is an important port of entry of imported products in Europe.
The European Union was the main buyer market. The bloc absorbed 42% of Brazilian shipments, followed by the countries of the far East (26%) and North America (13 percent). According to SindiTabaco, the global market is balanced.
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