segunda-feira, 03 de fevereiro, 2014

Embraer is the world's largest military company 66th

Embraer had one of the biggest jumps in sales of the security industry and became the world's largest military company of the 66th. The data were released by the Peace Research Institute of Stockholm (SIPRI), which points to an increasing participation of developing countries in the world market of weapons.
The Brazilian company became part of the Group of the 100 largest companies in 2010 and, since then, sales have been growing. In 2012, Embraer sold $ 1 billion in military equipment-thread that already represents 17% of annual sales.
In 2011 the company was only the 83rd largest in the world, she finished in 2012 66th place-highest rating ever achieved by a Brazilian company. In just one year, the expansion was around 36%, which put the Brazilian company as one of the most recorded growth in sales by 2012.
Embraer's results go in the opposite direction to the military segment, due to budget cuts of rich countries, saw their sales fall in 2012 for a total of $ 383 billion. In the year, the decrease was 4.2%, after another court of 6.6% more in 2011. Despite the recent fall in the the balance is positive: since 2003, sales soared 29%.
But while Western countries companies record falls in sales, are Russian companies, in Brazil and other emerging earning space. Moscow companies, for example, saw a 28% increase in their sales. Only the giant Almaz Antei registered a 41 percent sales jump and is currently the 14th largest military company in the world. Part of the good performance of the Russian companies comes from the implementation of a plan to rearm the Kremlin, valued at $ 700 billion by 2020.
But the year also saw for the first time in a company of Ukraine among the 100 largest in the world. In Korea, military sales have doubled since 2002.
In General, the participation of companies outside the US-EU axis has reached a record level. Today, they represent 13.5%.
Still, 42 of the 100 largest companies in the world are in the U.S. military and represent 58% of the global market. 30 European companies still represent 28 percent of the market. But since the u.s. output of Iraq in 2011, the volume of sales of these companies fell. The registered a fall of 60 KGR% in their sales. The company supplied military vehicles to Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan.
O Estado de São Paulo - 01/02/2014
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