terça-feira, 14 de outubro, 2014


Toddy and Mabel, PepsiCo's brands, now have new packaging for individual consumption of biscuits Toddy Wafer and coconut doughnut Mabel, available in versions of 29 grams and 60 grams respectively.
The products reinforce the presence of the company in the market of biscuits and expand the portfolio of brands in the category of individual consumption. Also serve to be sold at minibars for hotels and inns.
"PepsiCo is always attentive to market and develop products that meet the desires and needs of consumers, as the releases of Toddy and Mabel, which are geared toward the individual consumption" On The Go ". These consumers prefer products for immediate consumption and seek for packages that offer smaller portions, since they are open to experimentation and innovation ", says the Managing Director of business unit of biscuits and cereals of PepsiCo Brazil, Diego Me.
ABRE - 13/10/2014
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